Adhering to the time-honored tradition of following a special diet prepares the body, mind and soul to receive the healing energies of Ayahuasca.

Dietary Information

A test of discipline and commitment, adhering to a strict diet shows the spirit of Ayahuasca the seriousness of your intention. The central aspects of the diet that Lotus Vine Journeys insists upon is common to the teachings of all the Ayahuasquero/as across the Amazon Basin. In the case of some of the food restrictions, there is also definitive scientific evidence that they are essential for safety. We advise you to begin the diet at least 2 weeks before our retreat and to continue the diet for at least 2 weeks after the last ceremony.

All food at our retreats is lovingly prepared by our fantastic staff to provide for you a delicious, healthy and plentiful diet, while still adhering to the essential restrictions required when undertaking Ayahuasca ceremonies. We believe that a predominately vegan diet (with the exception of eggs for breakfast) is ideal when working with the medicine.

Abstain from the following at least two weeks prior to, during, and for two weeks after a Lotus Vine Journeys retreat:

  • Salt, pepper, and spicy seasonings (recommended to have a small intake of salt every few days)

  • Sugar and sweets

  • Pork and red meat

  • Smoked and aged fish

  • Oils and fats (OK to use sparingly)

  • Fizzy drinks (including diet sodas)

  • Hot peppers

  • Ice, ice cream, or ice cold drink

  • Dairy, including cheese, milk based products

  • Vinegar, sauerkraut, and other pickled foods

  • Tofu, soy sauce, and other fermented foods

  • Processed and canned foods

  • Caffeine & Alcohol

Additional restrictions:

  • No recreational drugs, including synthetic, semi-synthetic, or psychedelic. We require that you devote your whole energy to working with Ayahuasca. This includes cannabis in all forms.

  • Most prescription drugs are restricted (please let us know if you are currently taking any medication, especially antidepressants or antibiotics, as you fill out the medical questionnaire during booking).

  • No sexual activities of any kind, including masturbation.

  • Avoidance of synthetic soaps, perfumes, toiletries, etc.

  • For those in industrialized countries, a modern dieta would include a fast from television, radio, mass media, and advertising.

  • Ayahuasca is not compatible with pregnancy.

By eliminating the above from your diet, you will prepare your body physically for the Ayahuasca journey, and perhaps also reducing the amount of “purging” needed to clean your physical body. In addition to the physical aspects, by showing your commitment to Ayahuasca you are creating the foundations of your relationship with the medicine and offering your respect, which is essential for this work.